US Election 2024: I Prefer Joe Biden to Donald Trump in the White House—Russian President Putin Reveals

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed a preference for a Joe Biden presidency over Donald Trump ahead of the US election this November.

He remarked that Biden is the more experienced and predictable candidate, a statement bound to draw attention.

Before Trump’s initial presidential bid in 2016, Putin had lauded him as “outstanding and talented.”

However, Biden has long been a vocal critic of Putin, even labeling him a “killer” prior to the Ukraine invasion.

Reflecting on his recent interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, Putin found it lacking in sharpness, deeming it disappointing.

During an on-camera interview with Russian TV, he asserted that Biden’s leadership would benefit Russia due to his experience and predictability as a seasoned politician.

Putin brushed off concerns about Biden’s age and mental acuity, asserting that during their last meeting in 2021, he hadn’t observed any peculiarities.

“Even then [three years ago] people were saying that he was incompetent, but I did not see anything of this sort,” he said.

“Yes, he kept looking at his papers, but to be honest, I kept doing the same. So there was nothing peculiar.”

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Mr. Putin clarified that Russia is willing to collaborate with whoever earns the confidence of the American public and secures the presidency.

However, Mr. Putin didn’t offer entirely positive feedback for Mr Biden, criticizing the US president’s condemnation of the war in Ukraine as “extremely harmful and erroneous.”

During the lead-up to the 2016 US election, Mr Trump had hinted at a positive relationship with Mr Putin, suggesting they would “get along very well.”

Mr Trump recently sparked outrage by expressing willingness to “encourage” Russia to attack any NATO member failing to meet the alliance’s financial contribution target of 2% of their GDP.

In response, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg urged Mr Trump not to “undermine” the alliance’s collective security guarantee.

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