Tinubu Confessed To Me He Had No Blueprints On How To Govern Nigeria — Former APC Campaign Director

Hajiya Naja’atu Muhammad, the former campaign director of the All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Council, has revealed that Bola Tinubu confided in her, stating he lacked concrete plans for governing Nigeria before the 2023 General Elections.

Mrs. Muhammad made these remarks during a live program on AIT News, as observed by SaharaReporters on X, while elaborating on the reasons behind her resignation from the ruling party before the election.

She recounted that during one of their meetings in London preceding the polls, President Tinubu disclosed to her that the strategies for governing the country would be formulated after the election.

This revelation prompted her to question Tinubu’s preparedness and competence.

She said, “Then I saw a message. Saying that, Asiwaju wants to talk to you. Around 11:00 PM, so I gave them a reply. I’m waiting. Immediately they saw my text, so they called me back and Asiwaju called me. 

“He said I respect your stance on not accepting the appointment. I said yes Sir, because I can’t be a zombie. I just can’t follow you because you said I should follow you. Let me know what you have for us up north. Because if I made a mistake on Buhari with you, the truth is written on the horizon.

“So I have to know what you have for us.  He said he was in London that if I could, I should go over? He offered to buy me a ticket. I said no Sir, I can afford a ticket. And then he said, can I get a hotel for you? I said yes, that I will appreciate I took the next Lufthansa to London.

“I saw him that same night. And we sat. And I said Sir. The reason why I’m not accepting your appointment is because I don’t know what you have for us up north. Because in the North, every single person is either waiting to be killed or kidnapped. We can’t go on like this. What is your blueprint for us? He told me that he doesn’t have anything for us.

“I said, You know you mean, Sir, you don’t have a blueprint, he said, I can’t have a blueprint because if I have a blueprint, I’ll be stepping on too many toes and they might even kill me. This was what he said. I said but sir how can you rule without a blueprint?

“He said I’ll only make a blueprint after winning the elections. I said there will be a lot of distractions after winning the elections. You have to keep your eyes on the ball. He said, Well, you know what? If you have anything you want me to put in my manifesto, then please bring it. I told him that I have elders. We have a network for national salvation. I have our elder. I’ll go meet him in Paris the next day, the next day. I left for Paris.

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“I didn’t get to see him, but we came back to London, we sat and we already had up a template, so he gave me something we took something about the Almajir, because the Almajir is really a menace to us up north. They have been used as cannon fodder.

“And when you have able bodied men that are doing nothing in their millions.  You will always get a problem. I told him about that. I wrote about that. I wrote about agriculture. I wrote about security and so many other things. Till date I have not been allowed to see Asiwaju. To even give it to him.” 


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