Like Other Countries, Japan Suspends Funding Palestinian Aid Organization UNRWA Linked to Hamas

Like many other Western powers, Japan has also temporarily stopped paying the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

In a statement released on Sunday, the Japanese Foreign Ministry stated that financial support will not be extended “for the time being.”

Humanitarian aid is the mission of UNRWA in the Palestinian Territories. Japan expressed its alarm on the possible involvement of UNRWA staff members in the October 7 terrorist incident against Israel.

A number of countries have already stopped paying the agency, including the US, Germany, and France.

On October 7, the Islamist terrorist group Hamas carried out a devastating attack on Israel, and twelve employees of the UN assistance organization were suspected of being involved.

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UN Secretary-General António Guterres has declared that there will be an assessment and consequences.

The attack claimed the lives of almost 1,200 Palestinians, and another 250 were captured in the Gaza Strip.

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