Cholera Death Toll Hits 30, 1,141 Hospitalised

The National Biosafety Management Agency has urged the general public to exercise caution due to the recent cholera outbreak in several states across Nigeria.

In a statement on Friday in Abuja, Mrs. Gloria Ogbaki, Head of Information and Communications for NBMA, quoted Dr. Agnes Asagbra, the Director-General of NBMA, emphasizing the need for vigilance.

“Asagbra said Nigerians must exercise caution as Nigeria records 30 deaths and 1,141 suspected cases from the disease.

“As we approach the festive period of the Salah celebrations, it is of utmost importance that we collectively prioritise the health and safety of our communities.

“Cholera, a highly contagious bacterial infection caused by the ingestion of contaminated food or water, has been reported in Bayelsa, Zamfara, Abia, Cross River, Bauchi, Delta, Katsina, Imo, Nasarawa, and Lagos States.’’

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Asagbra stated that the NBMA, in collaboration with health authorities, is actively monitoring the situation and implementing measures to contain the spread of the disease.

She emphasized the importance of adopting various hygiene practices, such as boiling drinking water or using certified water purification methods.

She highlighted the need to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food.

The Director-General also urged Nigerians to always wash their hands with soap and water after using the toilet, cook food thoroughly, and consume it while hot.

She advised Nigerians to avoid raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, unless they can be peeled or washed with safe water, and to always maintain a clean environment and dispose of waste properly to prevent contamination.

Asagbra stated, “NBMA urges all Nigerians to be vigilant and adhere to these hygiene practices to protect themselves and their loved ones from cholera.”

She also called on Nigerians to be alert and report any cases of cholera to the nearest hospital.


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