BREAKING: NLC, TUC Issue 14-day Nationwide Strike Notice to FG

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) have jointly served a nationwide strike notice to the Federal Government, giving a 14-day ultimatum.

The primary grievance is the failure of the government to implement the 16-point agreement reached between organized labor (NLC and TUC) and the Federal Government on October 2, 2023.

Leaders of the NLC and TUC express dismay over the government’s apparent indifference to the widespread suffering and hardship endured by citizens despite organized labor’s efforts to maintain industrial peace.

The October 2 agreement aimed to address the severe socio-economic repercussions of the IMF/World Bank-driven increase in the price of PMS and the devaluation of the naira. These policies, as predicted, have inflicted significant economic hardships on the masses and workers of Nigeria.

In a statement, the NLC and TUC regret that they are compelled to take such drastic measures due to the government’s persistent neglect of citizen welfare and the considerable hardships endured by workers.

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Effective from February 9 (tomorrow), the two Labor Centers declare, “In light of these circumstances and recognizing the urgency of the situation and the necessity to protect and defend the rights and dignity of Nigerian workers and citizens, the NLC and TUC hereby issue a firm ultimatum to the Federal Government to honor its commitments within 14 days from tomorrow, February 9, 2024.”

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